You are here: Inventory > Orders > Register Stock Order > General Information about Register Stock Order

General Information about Register Stock Order

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register stock orders. When a stock order has been registered and sent, you can monitor the stock order and later on register an arrival (a received delivery) for this order. The statistics will also be updated. Arrivals are registered in the Arrival Reporting - Stock Orders procedure.

A stock order will also affect the planning as an order in the stock for the current delivery period. You can print a list over the current order backlog using the Order List - Inventory procedure.

Registering a New Order

The registration window is divided into a heading row and two tabs called Main and Rows. In the heading row you select From warehouse and To warehouse. When registering a new stock order, you can enter an optional order number. The order number can consist of both digits and letters (alphanumerical), and can contain up to 10 characters. You can also use MONITOR's automatic numbering system. You enter a Start code for a number series in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings module.

The first tab, Main, contains general information about the order, such as delivery address, terms of payment etc. Most of this information is loaded from the Company Info, but can be modified for an individual stock order.

Under the second tab, Rows, you register which parts to deliver.

Updating Existing Orders

This procedure also allows you to open an existing stock order and modify the previously entered information, or add/delete order rows. The heading row is where you select an order number when you want to load an existing order. In the Settings procedure you select which forms to print.

Printing an Order

To rationalize printing, you can print individual stock orders directly by using the Print button under the Window functions.

You can preview the form before printout, under the Order tab after saving a new order.

You can also print orders at any occasion, using the Print Stock Order procedure. The Print Stock Order procedure also allows you to print several orders, by order number, to warehouse and delivery period. There you can also select the form, and preview the order prior to printout.

A stock order can also be sent via e-mail to the reference in the receiving warehouse by using the button Send via e-mail in the Window functions in this procedure and in the printout procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.