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General Information about Print Manufacturing Order

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to request and approve printouts of manufacturing order documents. You can print an entire order, or just specific parts in a structure order. You can also print manufacturing order documents for an entire project, that may contain several orders.

If you do not print manufacturing order documents directly during registration in the Register Manufacturing Order, you can print them later on using this procedure.

When you register manufacturing orders you can also access the Print tab. By default, the system will insert the orders that are ready for printout. Other available tabs in this procedure are:

See printout samples of manufacturing order documents.

Please note. You cannot have this procedure open if you want to open the Register Manufacturing Order procedure. This is because the procedures use the same "tab window" for requesting printouts.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.