You are here: Workshop Info > Detail Planning > Priority Planning > The Columns in the Priority Plan

The Columns in the Priority Plan

In the priority plan table you will find a number of columns that are described below.


Shows the row number as well as the order or Priority of the operations. This column is also used to move operations using your mouse. Point to a row in the column, press and hold your mouse button and drag the row to the desired place in the table. The digit in the column will then turn red, in order to indicate that the operation has been moved. Once you Save, the digit will turn black again. Furthermore, the operation is automatically given a priority in the Priority operation and Priority row columns, and the entire row will be highlighted in green to indicate that it has been priority planned.

Please Note! When you move a row, all the rows that lie above the place that you drop that row will also be considered as priority planned, and therefore be given a priority and highlighted in green.


Shows the status of the previous operation. The following status options exists:

  • If you have configured the setting called Also show partial reported ops. when filtering by operations Ready to run, under Priority Planning under the Workshop Info tab in the Settings procedure, partially reported operations will be managed as operations ready to run.
  • M

    Shows information about the operation's material requirement. There are three different indexations:

    P. op

    In the P. op column (priority operation) you enter the priority of individual operations. When you load a new work center into the window, or if you apply the Standard sorting option, then all the rows will be sorted according to this column first, and then according to the columns Row and Start, respectively.

    If you set the priority to 0, then that operation will be mandatory for the work center, in other words no other work can be started before the mandatory work is started.

    A mandatory operation is shown with the symbol help0032.gif in the Row column.

    Priority Row

    The P. row column shows the interrelated order of priority between the rows that have the same value in the Priority operation column. This column only appears when the View mode is activated. The View mode is activated via the Info menu or by double-clicking in the top right corner in the window next to the Info section.


    Shows the manufacturing order number for the part to which the operation belongs. The substitute order number of a nonconformity item appears in red font. You will also see the text "Adjustment order of a nonconformity" in a so-called "tooltip".

    In this column you can select several operations by holding the Ctrl button and clicking on the order number. This is useful when a certain action shall be performed for several operations, for example to perform material clearance, perform requirement calculation or make a flow analysis on the order by using each respective function in the Info menu.

    Part Number

    Shows the part number for the part to which the operation belongs. The part number is displayed in red if an open nonconformity item exists for the part number in question. Furthermore, a so-called "tooltip" is shown containing information the nonconformity numbers concerned.


    Shows the name for the part to which the operation belongs.


    Shows the operation's priority among the part's incorporated operations. This number is the one given in the part's preparation. If the operation is a start operation, this digit appears in bold font. The substitute operation of a nonconformity item appears in red font. You will also see the text "Adjustment operation of a nonconformity" in a so-called "tooltip".


    Shows the operation's start date, which was determined when the manufacturing order was registered. All the operations that are added to the priority plan as new manufacturing orders are registered, will be sorted first on this date, since the Priority operation (and therefore also the Priority row) does not yet contain a value.

    In order to show how this planned start date compares to the current priority plan (the New finish column), the date can be shown in two different ways:


    Shows the operation's finish date, which was determined when the manufacturing order was registered.

    In order to show how this planned finish date compares to the current priority plan (the New finish column), the date can be shown in four different ways:

    * X is the number of days before the finish date should be shown in bold font. 3 days are selected by default, but this can be changed in the setting Expected delay in days that will bold font "Finish" column, under Priority Planning under the Workshop Info tab in the Settings procedure.

    New Finish

    Shows the date that the operation will be finished, according to the current priority plan. The calculation of the New finish date applies the available capacity in hours per day according to the production calendar, and compares how many hours are used for each operation. The calculation basis can be seen via the Info menu and the option called View mode.

    The date is shown in bold font if the date in the Supply column is more than 3 days late in relation to the New finish. This is determined by the same setting as mentioned under the Finish section above.

    Rest Time

    Shows the time that remains for the operation. The time decreases with the time that is continuously reported. Since the operation is not finished until the rest quantity = 0, then the rest time can be 0 even if the operation is not done.

    By using the function called Show rest time with E-factor, via the Info menu, you can recalculate this time so that the time is divided by the value for the Efficiency factor setting that was entered for this work center.

    Accumulated Time

    Shows the total planned time for the current operation, and all the operations above it in the priority plan.

    Rest Quantity

    Shows the quantity that remains to be manufactured for the operation. This digit is shown in bold font if a quantity has already been reported.


    Shows a symbol for the part's order status at the current level on the order. The different order status options are:


    Shows the manufacturing order's priority. This priority is entered in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure and does not affect the sorting method in the priority plan.

    Part Number

    For operations with linked material, you will here see the first material's part number. You can sort by this column, this is especially useful if you want the priority plan to be determined by the material

    Drawing Number

    Here you will see the part's drawing number.

    Interruption Code

    Here you will see an interruption code in the same way as when using F11.

    Report Number

    Shows the operation's report number, which is unique for this particular operation, part and order. The report number is automatically created for the operation when the manufacturing order is registered.


    This is where you can "earmark" an operation for one or more operators. Click in this field to open the Delegate window. In the window you choose employee number and check the box Lock to lock the operation to an employee. A new row is entered for each employee to whom the operation should be delegated. There are two alternatives: delegate the operation to an employee or to delegate and lock the operation to an employee. The employee number is shown on the button when a work item has been delegated and a tooltip containing the employee's name is also shown when the cursor is held over the employee number. Below you will find explanations regarding the two alternatives:


    (Print in priority plan) This option is a basic setting for each work center in the procedure called Update Work Center, and is automatically given to all operations in the work center, but can be changed for each individual operation in this procedure.

    If this checkbox is not marked, the operation will not be shown in the recording terminal when the operators are going to Start work via priority plan, see the Recording Terminal.

    One way of delegating work to operators is to leave the option Print in priority plan unchecked for the work center, and then manually check the box for each individual operation that should be available to be started via the priority plan.


    (Several operators) This option is a basic setting for each work center in the procedure called Update Work Center, and is automatically given to all operations in the work center, but can be changed for each individual operation in this procedure.

    If an operation has "Several operators" selected, then several different operators can work simultaneously with that operation.

    Timing Code

    This option is a basic setting for each work center in the procedure called Update Work Center, and is automatically given to all operations in the work center, but can be changed for each individual operation in this procedure.

    This option affects how the time will be registered for reported operations in the work center. There are three options available:


    Shows the status of the incorporated tools. This status can only be updated using the column called Tool status. This column is also shown in the priority plan in the Recording Terminal, in other words it can be used to inform operators about the status of incorporated tools. There are four different indexations:

    Tool Status

    This column is used to update the column T with either None, Ordered or Ready. This indicates the status for the incorporated tools.


    Shows the project number and the name for the project to which the manufacturing order is linked. You register projects for manufacturing orders in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure.


    Shows the name of the customer that is linked to the manufacturing order.

    Alternate Preparation Code

    Here you will see any alternate preparation code entered on the manufacturing order (or customer order).

    Operation Name

    Shows the operation name entered in the Preparation procedure. This means that this name can differ from the name entered for the work center.


    When printing manufacturing documents from the procedure, a warning appears informing you that the documents have already been printed if a printout date has been saved on the order.


    In the P column (Part status) you will see the status that the part had when it was registered. If the part status is 4 (Normal), no symbol will be shown. The symbols are described in the chapter Status in the Update Part - Inventory procedure.


    Shows if the priority plan's New finish is realistic considering the expected supply from previous operations, as well as material to the previous and this operation.

    Please note that all columns as of this column are empty if you do not activate the calculation with the setting Supply analysis in the header of the priority plan.

    The date that is shown in this column tells you when the operation can be finished according to the worst condition among previous operations and material.

    This can be compared with calculations made in the Flow Analysis - Manufacturing procedure. By right-clicking you can make a flow analysis for the order to see how the calculation was made. The flow analysis calculates the maximum delay for previous operations and material, this is then added to the finish period for the operation and displayed in this column. The date in the New finish column is shown in bold font if the supply date is more than three days after the New finish (the number of days is determined by a setting).

    If this column displays an F, it means that the operation already has been supplied (this also requires that any material for the operation is cleared). An F in this column is the same as an F in the P column in combination with a C or empty in the M column.

    To the right of the date in this column, different warnings can appear. These warnings arose during the supply analysis calculation and can affect the result's credibility.

    If you sort by double-clicking in the column heading, the rows will be sorted according to the column values without calculating New finish. If you sort by right-clicking, a New finished calculation will be made as well as an indication in bold font.

    You will see a total of operations and hours for operations that are expected to be run according to the current priority plan's New finish. This information is shown in the heading row, to the right of the Supply analysis checkbox. The symbol is shown both in the total section and in this column heading.


    Shows why the supply from the previous operations and material will be worse than the New finish for the operation. Here you will only see the cause for the maximum difference. There may be other reasons that create delays in the supply, but this delay will be shorter.

    Queue Days Before

    Shows the number of queue days that exist before for this operation.

    Subcontract Days Before

    Shows the number of subcontract days that exist before for this operation.

    Days to Finish

    Shows the number of work days after this operation until the order's finish period.

    Queue Days to Finish

    Shows the number of queue days after this operation until the order's finish period.

    Subcontract Days to Finish

    Shows the number of subcontract days after this operation until the order's finish period.

    Operations After

    Shows the number of operations (not subcontracts) after this operation until the order's finish period.

    Balance in Days

    Shows the number of days with enough stock balance according to the daily pace/consumption (provided that the parts have a registered annual volume). This is rounded-off downwards to whole days.

    The value is shown in bold font if it is less than the value in the Days to Finish column. (Indicates that the operation is delayed or that the consumption has been substantial. According to the lead times in the order we must prioritize/speed up to finish the order in time).

    Actual Finish Previous Operation

    Shows the actual finish period for the previous operation. This is only shown when the previous operation has a rest = 0. This column is principally the same as the P column, with the exception that you will see "when" the previous operation will be finished (when the P column shows an F).

    Shows a P when the previous operation has been partially reported. There is no date information when it comes to partial reporting since this column only shows the previous operation's finish date.

    Shows an S when it is a start operation, that is the first operation in the operation list.

    This column can be used as a sorting alternative for work centers that are not priority planned, that is work centers that are prioritized according to the order in which the work is coming in. This sorting can be made by right-clicking or via a setting for the work center. Operations without a finish date from previous operations are sorted in second hand after the regular sorting (start period).

    Delivery Period Customer Order

    Shows the delivery period for the customer order row to which the manufacturing order is linked. The period will be shown in red font if it is in past time.