Under the Activities heading there is a table that can be used to edit, add or delete activities related to the customer/contact. By registering activities, you can order and supervise events. If a planned activity is not performed on time, the system can send a reminder.
You can register several activity rows for each customer/contact.
All activity information can be updated here. In the Activity Reporting - Sales procedure, you can update Status, Comments, By and Reported date, for several activities in a list.
By checking the setting Create records in Outlook/Notes calendar, you can choose to integrate customer activities with its existing calendar system (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes). You select which calendar program you want to use with the setting Calendar program for integrated activities, under Fax / E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure.
You can also select to Show finished activities, in other words activities with status Finished. (Finished activities are not shown by default).
Via the Info menu you can create monitoring tasks in the MONITOR Agent. The MONITOR Agent is a supplement to MONITOR.
Here you will see the row number.
In the No. field you can select a customer activity number for a new activity or modify an existing activity. Customer activities must first be defined in the Activities procedure, under Tables in the Global Settings module.
The Text field shows the name of the activity. You can modify/clarify this text, but you should keep the context of the text number.
Planned Date
In the Planned date field you enter the planned finish date for the activity. The field shows today's date by default.
In the Time field you enter the planned finish time for the activity. 08:00 a.m. is entered by default.
In the Responsible field you select the person that shall perform the activity. This person must be a registered user in MONITOR.
Under the C (Comment) button you can enter comments and additional text for this activity. If there is a comment, the pound sign symbol (#) will appear on the C button. You can also enter comments in the Activity Reporting - Sales procedure when the activity is finished. You can print these comments in the Customer Activity List procedure.
Show Linked Documents
You can use the button to link external documents to the activity. If the button has a blue symbol
, linked documents exist that can be displayed or unlinked. This button is available if the supplement MONITOR Document Viewing is installed.
In the Status field you can enter an activity status. There are three different activity status options:
The activity status can also be changed in the Customer Activity List procedure.
Reported Date (Rep. date)
The reported date shows the date when the activity was reported as finished. This field will automatically be filled in with today's date when the activity status is set to 3 - Finished. The reported date can also be changed in the Customer Activity List procedure.
In the By field you enter who performed the reporting. This field will automatically be filled in with the logged-on user when the activity status is set to 3 - Finished. The field By can also be changed in the Customer Activity List procedure.
Under the E-mail button you can send an e-mail message to the person responsible for the activity.
The subject row in the message consists of a standard phrase based on the activity text and current customer. The message also contains a hyperlink (in the format url:monitor://<ftg_nr>/<rutin_id>/<post>) to the current procedure in MONITOR and with the right record loaded. Any comment entered for the activity is also shown in the message.
Any documents linked to the activity will be attached as PDF files. To be able to link documents to an activity, you must have installed the supplement Document Viewing.
The message will be sent according to the selection made in the setting E-mail sending method, found under Fax/E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. The e-mail address to the person Responsible, to which the message is sent by default, must first have been entered in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module. After an e-mail message has been sent, you will see a green check mark to the right of the E-mail button.
The Reminder field is used to configure whether you want to send a reminder for the customer activity or not, or if a reminder has already been sent. If the reminder is activated an activity reminder window will automatically open for the responsible user when the planned date and time have been exceeded. After the reminder has been sent, this field will display Reminder sent, as long as the receiver has not selected the option Remind me later in the reminder window. Read more about reminders under Customer Activity Reminder.
In order to use the reminder feature, this must first be activated for the affected users under the button Reminder in the Users procedure in the Global Settings. Read more about this in the chapter Basic CRM and SRM Settings in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.