You are here: Sales > Orders > Register Customer Order > Extra Row Info for Order Rows

Extra Row Info for Order Rows

In the lower portion of the Rows tab, you will find extra info for each order row.


Here you will see the account if it has been selected on the order row. You can also enter and change the account in this field. By using the setting Coding Only in Extra Row Info, under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, you can determine whether a coding should be made only under the Extra row info or be possible to perform directly on the order row.

VAT Code

The default VAT code is the same one entered in the order header, but it can be changed here. You can therefore have different VAT codes on the order rows. The VAT codes must be registered in the Update VAT Rates procedure in Global Settings.


Here you can enter the total weight of the order row in kilos, including packaging. This is normally taken from the part register and is printed on waybills, but you can override that information here if needed.

Requested Period

In this field you can enter the customer's requested (desired) delivery period. The requested delivery period is then used internally to compare the actual delivery period with the requested delivery period in the Supplier Rating procedure.

If you have activated the setting Automatically Update Requested Delivery Period on Orders/Quotes?, this field will always be automatically updated to the Delivery period on a new order row until that row is saved. However, you have the option of changing the requested delivery period afterwards. The setting Question when Changing Current Period, Applies to Frozen Initial/Requested Period determines how the change of current period on order rows shall be managed.

Initial Period

Here you will see the initial delivery period that was entered when the order row was originally registered. This field is only updated when registering new order rows, at which time the current and initial delivery periods are always the same until the order row is saved. However, you have the option of changing the initial period in connection with replanning. In the Delivery Reliability procedure, you can compare the delivery period with the Initial delivery period or the requested (current) delivery period.


Here you can select the part's revision for the order row. The current (active) revision appears by default.

Row Status

Here you can select the row status for each order row. On a regular order row that is manually registered, the default row status will be 0 (Fixed order), (also status 1 is Fixed order). The following row status levels exist:

Row status 2-4 are considered forecasts in the system, and not fixed orders. In order to make the system consider the order rows with these types of status, you have to activate the setting Sales forecasts under the Order types in the Requirement calculation procedure and in the Run Netting procedure in the Inventory module.

Order Date

Here you can enter another order date for the order row than the one entered in the order header. By default, these fields are given the same order date on the first row as the order header. The following two order rows also "inherit" the order row from the previous row. If you replan the order date in the order header, you can choose whether the order date on all the order rows should be replanned as well.

The order date on order rows can be useful if you e.g. want to add something to an old order at a later date. Then you can enter the new order date on the new order row. This can be necessary in order to obtain more exact order inflow statistics. The order date can be used to select by in the Order Inflow procedure and is taken from the order rows.

If you activate the setting Order date on new order row entered as, the new order row's order date will automatically be set to today's date on customer orders with status >= 2. For this setting you can also choose the alternative Question at new row. This way it is possible, per order, to select whether new order rows shall be given an order date that is the order's order date or today's date.


Here you can see the current stock balance for the part on the order row. The setting Check against part lead time/balance during order registration? must be activated in order to show this balance.


This field shows how many parts have already been delivered. This is an information field that cannot be modified.

Rest Quantity

This field shows how many parts have not yet been delivered (i.e. that are pending on the order). This is an information field that cannot be modified.

Setup Price Row

This check box will automatically be checked if the current row is a setup price row. Setup price rows will be automatically inserted directly after a part row, provided that a setup price is linked to the part.

Setup price rows are handled differently when it comes to statistics. When the statistics are updated, the setup price is saved to the statistics for the above part. However, in the Invoicing Log you will see the setup price specified in a separate column.

You can link several setup price rows to one part, but then the box Setup price row must be checked manually on the entered setup price row (this is to make sure that the statistics for the setup price rows are saved for the part).

Text Type

This field only appears on text rows (row type 4). There are six different text types for text rows that determine on which documents the text rows should be printed:

Checkbox Used to Link Text Row

To the right of the Text type field there is a check box that can be used to link the text row to the part that is included in the order row above. You can also link a text row by double-clicking to the left of the text field in the rows tab. Linked text rows are shown with a little grey arrow icon (help0088.gif ) to the left of the row.

The link makes it easier when an order row has been partially delivered, since the text row also becomes partially delivered. This means that it will actually remain in the system until a later partial delivery of this order row. Another handy feature is that if an order row of type 1-3 or 5-6 is deleted, then the linked text rows are also deleted. The text row will follow the part all the way to the invoice register, and can also be printed on invoices.

Delivery Period

The Delivery period field is shown only for text rows (row type 4), under the section Extra row info. You can use this field to select another delivery period than the delivery period on the order row.


Here you can select to use bold font on the text row.


Here you can select to use italic font on the text row.


Here you can select to use underlined font on the text row.


This field shows the total order value for all the order rows registered for this customer. The fields is constantly updated during order registration, and cannot be modified. Next to this field you will also see the currency code that is selected in the order header.

CM and CR

Here you will see the entire order's contribution margin and contribution ratio if you have selected the setting Show standard price, CM and CR on order/invoice rows?.

Transport Time for Order

Here you can change and save the transport time (in work days) per order. This may be useful if the delivery method is changed. The transport time entered here overrides the transport time entered for the customer. This field will by default show the transport time entered for the customer under the Info tab in the Update Customer procedure. If no transport time has been entered there, it will be displayed as 0 (zero) days of transport time in this field.

If you enter a different transport time for the order than the default value, a Closedmessage will appear saying that you must change the delivery period manually for any existing order rows.

Information when changing transport time for order.

If you enter a transport time > 0, the system will add the transport time to the delivery period entered on an order row. The new delivery period will then be printed on the order confirmation and the delivery note form. A text that appears under Delivery method on the printed order confirmation and delivery note will then say "Delivery period = arrival your warehouse". If the transport time on the order is 0, the text "Delivery period = shipped our warehouse" will be printed on the form.

The texts explaining delivery periods on the order confirmation and delivery note are updated on rows 184-185 in the table in the Languages procedure in the Global Settings module. If these texts should not be printed at all, you can delete them here.

The number of transport days entered here can instead be deducted from the delivery period on the order rows. This takes place when you enter a delivery period on an order row and then leave the field. This takes place when a delivery period is entered on an order row and when the cursor then leaves the field. The deduction is determined by the setting Deduct transport time from delivery period during order registration?.

When transport time is added or deducted from the delivery period, the system will check against the Swedish calendar so that the delivery period, shipped from us or arrival to you, does not occur on a public Swedish holiday. When transport time is added to the delivery period (without the above mentioned setting activated), this is taken into account in the delivery period printed on the forms. When transport time is deducted from the delivery period, this is also considered in the delivery period field.

The Show Shipping Info Button.

By using this button you can calculate shipping information such as weight, volume, etc. for all order rows in the same way as in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. During the configuration you can calculate a weight that is saved on the order row. The weight on the order row is used primarily and the weight of the part comes second. The result is displayed in a separate window where you have the opportunity to add selected information to a customer order as text rows by using the Insert button.

The calculation of shipping information.