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General Information about Report Arrival - Service Order

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

Why Use This Procedure?

In this procedure you arrival report service orders for products with service location In factory. When you report arrivals you will get a receipt that you have received the product.

Work Flow

When a product included in a service order arrives at the factory, you report the arrival in this procedure. The order will be given status 6 - Arrived when saving. This way, everyone at the factory can see that the product has arrived. Then you perform and report the service in the Report Service Order procedure when sending the product back to the customer.

What Does This Window Contain?

On the heading row you select service order number.

At the same time you will see the Service / Reporting tab containing the order rows included in the service order. This is where you perform the actual reporting.

The order header is displayed under the Main tab and under the Rows tab you will see the order rows in detail. Under the Activities tab you will see the planned activities on the service order.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.