You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > The Address/Terms Tab

The Address/Terms Tab

The Address/Terms tab contains the primary information about the supplier. The tab is divided into different headings.

The first heading Mailing address contains all the mailing address info. The Delivery address heading contains all the delivery address info. You can also enter multiple delivery addresses. Under Website you can enter the Internet address (URL) to the supplier's website, if any.

Under Terms you will find payment terms, delivery terms, Place of delivery terms delivery method, response time, and payment plan. This information is then loaded from here for example during purchase order registration and when registering the supplier invoice.

The Payments heading contains information about how the supplier invoices should be paid. Here you will find Payment method, PlusGiro, Bank giro, Bank account and OCR number. You can also choose to Pay via another supplier, enter a Bank charge and set a Priority for the supplier. By using the button Payment info (Pmt. info) you can configure settings for electronic payments to suppliers.

Under the section Settings you can configure settings for how to manage Reversed liability for payment for a supplier. (Within e.g. the construction industry the buyer sometimes has to report both the input and output VAT.) You can check the box Authorize for payment and select an Authorized signer. You will also find a check box called Invoice basis exception. If you have installed the supplement MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) you will also find the button Authorization EIM.

The Import heading contains settings for Language, Currency and Date that apply to the supplier. Here you also select to which trade area the supplier belongs. The available alternatives are Domestic, EU and Import.

Under the heading Miscellaneous you will find Our customer number, Supplier group (the supplier group determines which purchase account will be used when invoicing), VAT code, Corporate ID number, VAT number, Country code, Supplier category, Supplier code invoice, Supplier code blanket order, Discount and Discount category. Using Order printout via you determine the default printout method for purchase orders: printer, fax or e-mail. You can also activate Receiving inspection for the supplier. This means that all parts that are purchased from the supplier in question require receiving inspection, an additional check, before they are put in stock. You can also enter an instruction for the receiving inspection. Under Additional text group you can link the supplier to an additional text group. In the Minimum order amount field (Min. order amount) you can enter a minimum amount for inquiries and purchase orders.

At the very bottom you will find the Prices button where you will see the supplier prices for the linked parts and the Comment button where you can add comments and link external documents (supplement).