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Printout Samples

Here is an instruction for creating payment files after loading the transaction list on the screen as well as printout samples for the payment methods LB and LBI.

If you have installed the supplement called Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) you can double-click on an invoice row in the lists and see an image of the invoice in a separate window. To be able to do this there must be a scanned image of the invoice in the EIM.

To be able to create payment files and start a communication program from here, a path for the payment method as well as a path to the communication program / Internet bank must be entered under Payments Out under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

ClosedCreate Payment Files

  1. Select Create payment file , in the Window functions or under File in the Window menu, to create a payment file that shall be sent to the PlusGiro/Bank giro.
  2. If a payment file already exists in the path where the payment files are saved, you click OK if you want to overwrite the existing file.
  3. When the payment file has been created a message appears regarding this as well as a question asking whether or not you want to start the transmission program (for example GiroLink Internet). Click Yes to start that program.

ClosedTransaction List Not Sent (LB Payment)

In the transaction list Not sent for LB you will see a consecutive number that is loaded from the Number Series procedure. For each invoice you will see Currency, Type of invoice (debit/credit), Consecutive number, Supplier invoice number, Payment date and Amount. On the next row you will see the Payee (supplier code and name).

It is important that the payee's bank or PlusGiro number is updated.

The payment date is the date when the invoice will be paid, i.e. the due date (unless you entered another date for this invoice in the Make Payments or Payment Suggestions procedures).

The list also shows a total for those invoices that have the same Payment date. The transaction list concludes with a total of all the invoice amounts and the total number of invoices to be paid (quantity).


Sample of a Transaction List - LB Payment

ClosedTransaction List Not Sent (LBI Payment)

The transaction list Not sent for LBI shows approximately the same information as the LB payment list. However, here the payments are shown per allocation code, meaning that the payments made against a deposit account are separate from the payments made against a currency account, You configure allocation code options for each respective supplier in the Update Supplier procedure.

Under the invoice records you will see a Currency total that adds up the total paid amount per currency. The total payment amount converted to SEK is shown next to the Hash total.


Sample of a Transaction List - LBI Payment

Cancel Outgoing Payments from the Transaction List

In the Not sent list you can use the Info Menu, by right-clicking, and select Cancel Outgoing Payments. The outgoing payments in the list will then be loaded to the Cancel Outgoing Payments procedure where you can cancel them.