You are here: Inventory > Quality > Delivery Performance to Customer > General Information about Delivery Performance to Customer

General Information about Delivery Performance to Customer

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure, under the Create tab, you can load lists in order to measure the delivery performance to customers.

By using the Total list, you can measure your own delivery performance to a customer, using a key ratio. This total list compares the delivered customer order volumes with the deviating volume (volume nonconformity) from reported customer nonconformities, where the volume appears both as a quantity and as a value. This key ratio is sometimes entered in quality control systems as a ppm value (parts per million), but in this list it appears as a percentage value with two decimals. Please note that the value in money is measured based on the deliveries made against orders, which means that it does not represent the final invoice value.

To be able to see on what the total list's values are based, you will find a log list of all deliveries made in the Delivery Reporting procedure in the Sales module. The log list shows all deliveries on which the total list is calculated.

To be able to see on what the total list's values are based, you will find a log list of all customer nonconformities registered in the Delivery Noncomformity procedure. The log list shows all nonconformities on which the total list is calculated.

Under printout samples you can see samples of the different list types, as well as comments regarding each list type.

Please Note! In the total list, the nonconformity volumes can get different totals for different classification options, even though you use the same selection. The selection is based on the deliveries made, and when the system adds up the totals for different sorting options, then some nonconformities may not match the classification options in theory. For example, nonconformities that were registered without a part number will not be included if you classify by part number.

Also note the way that reject codes and nonconformity quantities are shown in the list. You can have both a reported quantity / reject code, and a verified quantity / reject code. The list will apply the verified values first, but if these values are missing, then it will use the reported values. This is also mentioned in a yellow text box under the Create tab.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this list.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

In the Total list, you can create a chart showing the percentage values (key ratios) that are used to measure your delivery performance to different customers.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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