You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Nonconformity > Miscellaneous


Under Miscellaneous you enter different information relating to invoicing, location, status and order priority, etc.

Nonconformity Category

Here you can enter a category for the nonconformity. By using the button next to the category field, you will find instructions of how to enter categories. These instructions are entered under the Nonconformity tab in the Categories procedure under Tables in the Global Settings module. If you instead use category explanation for nonconformity category (determined by a setting), the category management is registered in the Category Management procedure in the Global Settings module.

Nonconformity category can be used as a selection term in the Cost of Poor Quality and Nonconformity Activity List procedures.

Initial Invoice Number

For customer nonconformities, you select the initial customer invoice from the invoice register. For supplier nonconformities, you select a supplier invoice (consecutive number) from the supplier invoice register instead. This is information you enter if needed. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for invoice numbers or customer codes, as well as consecutive numbers or supplier codes.

Credit Invoice Number

For customer nonconformities, you select a credit customer invoice from the invoice register here. For supplier nonconformities, you select a credit supplier invoice (consecutive number) from the supplier invoice register instead. This is information you enter if needed. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for invoice numbers or customer codes, as well as consecutive numbers or supplier codes.

Substitute Order

For customer nonconformities, you select the substitute customer order from the customer order register, if applicable. For supplier nonconformities, you select the substitute purchase order number from the purchase order register instead. The substitute order numbers entered here will appear in red italic text in the Order Window of the Part Info feature. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for customer orders or customer codes, as well as purchase orders or supplier codes. By using the F3 feature for customer nonconformities, you can search for the part number instead of the customer code.

New Invoice

For customer nonconformities, you select a new customer invoice from the invoice register here. For supplier nonconformities, you select a new supplier invoice (consecutive number) from the supplier invoice register instead. This is information you enter if needed. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for invoice numbers or customer codes, as well as consecutive numbers or supplier codes.


For internal nonconformities and preventive actions, you can indicate where the nonconformity was "detected" here. This is the department that detected the nonconformity. This field has no special function in the system. It is used for information purposes, or in your internal custom reports.

Service Order Number

For customer and supplier nonconformities, you can link the nonconformity to a service order number. The field is already filled in if the nonconformity was created from a service order. The field is only available if the supplement Service Management is installed.

Delivery Note

You can select a delivery note number here, for customer nonconformities and supplier nonconformities. This is used when applying delivery schedules, when the same order number is always used, but a delivery might have a unique delivery note number.


Here you enter the location where the claimed part was returned or taken out of production has been placed in stock. This can be seen in the Part Info, under the Nonconformity button. That button appears in the Order Window tab, if there are registered nonconformities that are being investigated.


When registering a new nonconformity, the customer's language is saved to the nonconformity. However, you can change the nonconformity language here. Under the Activities tab you can choose to translate the activities into this language and the forms (Confirmation, Response and Claim report) will be printed in the language entered here.

The language must first be registered in the Languages procedure. The forms must also have been generated for the selected language.


Here you can set the status of the nonconformity. There are 5 different nonconformity status options:

Please note. The nonconformity status depends on the reported status of the activity. For example, if the nonconformity status is "Registered (1)" and an activity is set to "Started (2)", then the nonconformity will also get Status "Started (3)". The nonconformity will get Status "Finished (4)" when the last activity is set to "Finished (3)".


Here you can set the priority of the nonconformity. This can be used to give some nonconformities higher priority than others. This can be used to select / sort in lists. The rules for setting priority levels are determined by each company.