You are here: Inventory > Product Register > Update Claim > General Information about Update Claim

General Information about Update Claim

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to register possible product claims or complaints. To be able to register claims, the products must have been registered with a serial number in a product register.

You can register products in the product register manually, or create them during customer order registration, delivery reporting and direct registration of invoices, by entering a row type 5 row under the part row in question, and there enter the serial number interval and type designation. Read more about registering products in the Update Product Register procedure.

If a claim or complaint occurs on a sold product, you enter the claim information here. Here you can enter information about reason or cause of the claim, claim cost, causing part number etc. You can register several claims for each serial number. Each claim is entered as a separate row.

In the Reject Codes procedure in Global Settings, you can create reject codes that are of the reject code type Claims. These codes can then be selected here to structure different types of claims. In the Print Claim procedure you can then print and search for claims among the registered claims.

The Update Claim and Print Claim procedures are no longer included in the standard system. They are replaced by the sub-module Quality in the Inventory module. The procedures in the Quality module manage the claim cases and nonconformities according to ISO-9000.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.