You are here: Global Settings > General > Company Info > The References Tab

The References Tab

Under the tab called References, you create a table containing your references and contacts. The table should contain a list of all the company employees that are involved in purchases and sales. You can link one of the references created in this table to each purchase order or customer order. The purpose of the table is that you can enter a code instead of an entire name each time you want "Our reference" to be included on an order. If the administrator (or planner) should be entered for a part, it will be taken from this table as well.

If you are using LB/FB payments in the Accounts Payable, you should register a special reference for it, so that it will be printed in the payment authorization process in the Transaction List procedure. This reference is registered using the code "FBLB".

The information entered here is:

From this table with references, data is loaded to the Default reference field in the Users procedure and information is also loaded to the Planner field in the Update work centers procedure.

These fields (besides Code, Signer/EIM, Authorization list and Emp. no.) can also be shown on forms using the tags (variables) in the Form Additional Text procedure.