You are here: Purchase > Orders > Print EDI Delivery Schedules > General Information about Print EDI Delivery Schedules

General Information about Print EDI Delivery Schedules

This is a supplement to MONITOR.

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you export delivery schedules with current (planned) delivery dates and quantities for purchase order suggestions and actual purchase orders. Delivery schedules are printed per supplier.

The actual purchase orders contained in the delivery schedules are taken from released purchase order suggestions. All the purchase order suggestions that have a delivery date within the lead time or within the next few days should be checked and released to generate actual purchase orders before you print any delivery schedules in this procedure. You can verify and release these purchase order suggestions in the Purchase Order Suggestion procedure in the Inventory module.

You can manually divide a part's purchase suggestions between several suppliers in the Purchase Order Suggestion procedure. This way you can select on which supplier's delivery schedule the purchase suggestions shall be shown.

You create purchase order suggestions during requirements planning in the procedures Requirement Calculation and Run Netting in the Inventory module. The purchase order suggestions are created for the supplier that is active or "current" for a particular part. The supplier links are registered under the Purchase tab in the Update Part procedure. The alternative Delivery schedule EDI must be selected in the column Delivery schedule export. Only parts with this link will be shown in the procedure. When you Save in list type Standard the export is executed.

It is possible to export fixed order numbers in EDI formats 35 and 49. The fixed order number should then be entered on the part's supplier link.

In order for the procedure to function you must configure EDI links in the EDI Links procedure. This should be configured in consultation with an instructor or consultant at Monitor ERP System AB.

If you activate the setting Export delivery schedules/EDI with decimal on quantity? you can export quantities in decimal form. This setting is found under the EDI heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

See the Printout Samples for the list.

Distributed Purchase

If you have activated the setting Distribute purchase between several suppliers? you can enter a distribution percentage in a supplier link for a part in the Update Part - Purchase procedure. This setting is found under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. This makes it possible to distribute the purchases of the part between two or more suppliers according to the entered percentages. Only one purchase order suggestion will be created, but two or more purchase orders will be created when the suggestion is generated into actual purchase orders. One purchase order will then be created for each supplier according to the distribution in the supplier links.

Multiple Supplier Links per Supplier

If one supplier is registered with multiple supplier links to a part in the delivery schedule, the printout is shown per supplier link where each link is printed separately using the subheadings The last 3 deliveries, Orders and Forecast. Read more about multiple supplier links to one supplier under Supplier's part number in the chapter Supplier links in the Update Part - Purchase procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.


Concept Link IconSee also: