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Do not AutoReport Material

If the setting Automatic material reporting during operation reporting? is activated, under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you can per work center activate exceptions from automatic material reporting. This is done using the setting Do not AutoReport material,

If you have activated the exception for the work center, no automatic material reporting will be made when reporting operations. A text appears in the reporting procedures telling you that the exception has been activated.

Please Note! The Comprehensive Reporting procedure is not affected by this. When reporting work in the Recording Terminal you have to activate another setting as well. The setting is called Warning during AutoReport material exception?, under the Finish Work heading under the Workshop Info in the Settings procedure. If the setting Report material upon shipping? is activated, under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you should never activate exceptions from automatic material reporting on subcontracting work centers.

Exclude Invoice Basis (Subcontract)

If the setting Create supplier invoice basis during subcontract reporting? is activated, under Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, it is possible to select Exclude from creation of subc. invoice basis.

Here you can choose to exclude the work center from creating invoice basis when the subcontract is reported. The planned cost will be reported directly on the manufacturing order when the operation is reported. The purpose is to be able to except work centers where the received invoices are not specified per subcontract purchase or in another way will not generate a good invoice basis.


Here you can select the planner of the work center. The planner can be selected for own operations as well as for subcontracts. The Planner can then be used as a selection term in the procedures Work Center List, Work Center Analysis, Comprehensive Document (Subcontract), Loading Selection, Manufacturing Order Log, Priority Planning List and Orders / Work Center. Planners are loaded from the list of references that has been entered for the company in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings.

Default Setup Time

In the field Default setup you can enter a setup time in hours. This setup time is loaded automatically to a new operation in the Preparation procedure when you select a work center. Please note that the time will be recalculated into the time unit that you have selected. For subcontracts you can enter a default setup cost in this field instead.

The field can be updated in the Loading info list in the Work Center List procedure.

Please note that the time unit is always entered in hours for setup time. When it comes to setup cost, the currency is used that you selected in the setting Default currency for subcontracts, under Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, (company currency or supplier's currency).

Default Ineffective Time

The field is displayed if the setting Use ineffective time in the preparation has been activated, under Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Here you can then enter a default Ineffective time * in percent. This ineffective time is loaded automatically to a new operation in the Preparation procedure when you select a work center. When the setting mentioned above has been activated, the cycle time an ineffective time are shown instead of the unit time in preparations. Default ineffective time can also be updated in the Loading info list in the Work Center List procedure. The default ineffective time is logged in Work center is activated in the Log Selection procedure.

* Ineffective time is time that is necessary in the operation but is non-productive.

Do Not Report

When this setting is activated, this work the following operation will perform this work center's reporting on the following operation.

The same quantity will be reported on the operations. The reported time is determined by the Timing code field. If this is set to Pre-calculated time, the operation reporting is made in relation to the reported quantity. Otherwise, the same time will be reported as on the following operation.

This is possible in the Arrival Reporting - Subcontract, Operation Reporting and Recording Terminal procedures.

If there is a chain of operations including many operations in a row that should not be reported manually, these will be reported at the same time.

Report Material Using Standard Unit

Here you can choose to report material on a manufacturing order in the standard unit instead of the alternate unit. This is activated per work center and will affect reporting made in the Recording Terminal and Comprehensive Reporting procedures.

Pick Location - Production

Here you can select a default location for the work center from which all withdrawals shall be made. The field can be updated in the Loading info list in the Work Center List procedure.