You are here: Sales > Orders > Register Customer Order > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

Under the Rows tab you register what the customer has ordered. If you are editing a previously registered order, you can use this window to add, delete or modify order rows. There are different row types for an order row. First, you select a row type for new order rows. The order rows consist of different columns with information. The columns may change depending on which row type that has been entered. The standard available columns are:

* Only displayed if you have installed the supplement Tool Management and if you have selected row type 9.

** Only displayed if you have installed the supplement Customer Order Transfer.

*** Only displayed if you have installed the supplement Warehouse per order row.

The tab also contains a section called Extra row info where you can change information for each row. In order to get to the Extra row info section, you can either click with your mouse or use the shortcut keys Alt+E. By using the button called Calculate total price you can calculate a total price.

You can view additional information and functions for the order rows by right-clicking to open the Info menu.

At the bottom of the window you will find a button called Show shipping info which you can use to calculate weights and volumes etc. for the order rows and insert this information as text rows on the order.

To return to the Rows tab, you can use the shortcut keys Alt+H, or select To order header under Show in the Window menu.