You are here: Global Settings > General > Number Series > Number Series Types

Number Series Types

Below you will find a description of the different number series types, and what issues in particular that should be considered for each type when you enter a number in this field.

New Start Code

Here you enter the start number for forecasts in the Accounting.

Shipment Number (9 characters)

In the Start code column you enter the start number for the first 9 digits in the Swedish 10-character SIS waybill number system. The 10th digit is a control digit that is calculated and added by the system. This start number is used for your SIS Waybills.

In the Start column there should be a zero (0) unless a rolling number series should be used (default). If you want to use a rolling number series you should here enter the same start number as in the Star code column.

In the Stop column you enter the stop number (i.e. last number) for the first nine digits in the 10-digit waybill number.

In the Warning interval column you can enter the quantity of numbers before the number series stop number when a warning should be displayed telling the user that the number series is coming to an end. See more information about this in the section called Explanation of the Columns in the Number Series Table. By default this warning appears 100 numbers prior to the stop number if the field is left empty. If rolling number series (see above) is used, we suggest you purge the series instead. It is possible to purge shipments with status 3-9, which can then be performed for Waybills in the Purging Procedures procedure.

DB Schenker Shipment Number (9 characters)

In the Start code column you enter the next available number in the 9-character number series for Schenker (Sweden) shipping. During start-up it is the same number as was entered in the Start column.

The Schenker (Sweden) parcel service requires that the shipment number starts with a 3. You can in MONITOR enter the Schenker number series as a separate series. If the other shipments should have another number series, you should place the Schenker number series here. If no number series has been entered for Schenker, the regular waybill number series will be used instead.

In the Start column you enter the start number in the 9-character number series for Schenker (Sweden) shipping.

In the Stop column you enter the stop number in the 9-character number series for DB Schenker (Sweden) shipping.

PostNord Inrikes, PALL.ETT Package Number (2, 8 characters)

In the Prefix column you should enter the first two digits in the 11-character package number for PostNord (Sweden) services. These two digits are static (i.e. fixed).

In the Start code column you enter the following eight digits in the package number which is the start number for the shipping options by PostNord (Sweden). During start-up it is the same number as was entered in the Start column. The 11th digit is a control digit that is calculated and added by the system along with the suffix "SE" at the end of the package number.

In the Start column there should be a zero (0) unless a rolling number series should be used (default). If you want to use a rolling number series you should here enter the same 8-digit start number as in the Start code column. The system will check the 100 following numbers in that number series. If the same shipment number as the current shipment number appears within the following 100 numbers in the series, the system will suggest that you purge the old shipment numbers. You can purge shipments with status 3-9. All purging is done in the Purging Procedures.

In the Stop column you enter the following eight digits in the package number which is the stop number for the shipping options by PostNord (Sweden). The system will check the 100 following numbers in that number series. If there are less than 100 numbers left in the series, a warning will appear indicating that the number series will soon end. During rolling number series (see above), we suggest you purge the series instead.

SSCC Package Number (8, 9 characters)

The STE-labels have unique package identities, that is, each package is marked with its own number. Normally you use SSCC to identify packages. Such a number series can be created based on the corporate identification number or the GS1 company prefix. It is most common that you base it on the corporate identification number. Read more about this on GS1 Sweden's website:

In MONITOR this number is divided into prefix, start number and stop number. The prefix consists of eight digits. The start and Stop consist of nine digits each. The last four digits in Start and Stop are consecutive numbers. Start ends with 0000 and Stop ends with 9999. Also see a sample in the section Number Series - Memnon and Fradok (DHL) in the Shipping chapter in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

If the SSCC shall be created from the GS1 company prefix, then this prefix can only consist of seven digits plus a start digit between 0-9 (previously the start digit could only be set to 3). In MONITOR you will find a setting called Automatic enumeration of SSCC prefix's start digit, under Shipping under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. This setting is not activated by default. If you activate the setting, the start digit will be enumerated one step when the number series ends.

Please Note! If the SSCC shall be created from the company's corporate identification number, the start digit shall always be set to 3. In this case, the setting above must not be activated!

When you create SSCC from the corporate identification number, you use your company's 10-digit corporate ID number and remove the last digit (control digit). In the example we use Monitor ERP System AB's corporate identification number 556071-3454 where the last control digit 4 shall be removed.

By adding 3 (the start digit) plus 736 (SSCC created from the corporate identification number always starts with 3736) in front of the first nine digits in the corporate identification number and adding 0000 in the end, you will receive an entire start number for SSCC. This results in 37365560713450000. The entire stop number has 9999 in the end. This results in 37365560713459999 (the digits 0000 and 9999 in the end are in fact the consecutive number).

In the Prefix field you enter an 8-digit prefix for the SSCC package identity number. This results in 37365560.

In the Start code field you enter the next available number in the SSCC number series. During start-up, it is the same number as in the Start column. This results in 713450000.

In the Start field you enter the start number for SSCC without a prefix. This results in 713450000.

In the Stop field you enter the stop number for SSCC without a prefix. This results in 713459999.

For the SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) there can be one or several zeros first in the start and stop number. The zeros will disappear when the cursor leaves the field. However, they will be generated again when the next available number is calculated.

DPD Utrikes Package Number (3, 8 characters)

No longer used.

PostNord Expresspaket Package Number (2, 8 characters)

PostNord Inrikes, Expresspaket is a number series that is used for the package number to PostNord Inrikes, Expresspaket. This is an 11-digit package number where the first two characters are prefix with the letters RO. The following eight digits are used for start number to stop number. The 11th digit is a control digit that is calculated by the system and added at the end of the package number.

In the Prefix field you enter RO. These two letters are static (i.e. fixed).

In the Start code field you enter eight digits in the package number which is the start number for PostNord Inrikes, Expresspaket. The 11th digit (the control digit) is calculated by the system and added at the end of the package number.

In the Start column there should be a zero (0) unless a rolling number series should be used (default). You can use a rolling number series for PostNord Inrikes, Expresspaket, then you should enter the same 8-digit start number as in the Start code field. The system will check the 100 following numbers in that series. If the same shipment number as the current shipment number appears within the following 100 numbers in the series, the system will suggest that you purge the old shipment numbers. You can purge shipments with status 3-9. All purging is done in the Purging Procedures.

In the Stop column you enter the eight digits in the package number which is the stop number for the shipping option PostNord Inrikes, Expresspaket.

In the Warning interval column the system makes a check of the 100 following numbers in that series. If there are less than 100 numbers left in the series, a warning will appear indicating that the number series will soon end. During rolling number series (see above), we suggest you purge the series instead.

Pacsoft Online (9 characters)

Here you enter a number series for Pacsoft Online using the prefix PREF.

Unifaun Online (9 characters)

Here you enter a number series for Unifaun Online using the prefix UREF0610.

Apport Print Server (9 characters)

Here you enter a number series for Apport using the prefix AREF0610.

FedEx (9 characters)

Here you enter a number series for FedEx using the prefix FREF.

Delivery Note Number EDI

During printout of both Pick List/EDI packaging and EDI invoices, you must enter the start number for the delivery note number here, which will also become your EDI invoice number. You must configure all customers to be invoiced using EDI.

During printout only of the Pick List/EDI packaging, you should enter a zero (0) here. For all customers you must then set that they will not be invoiced using EDI. EDI invoice is a supplement to MONITOR.

Delivery Note Number for Printouts

During printout only of the Pick List/EDI packaging, you should enter the start number for the delivery note numbers here.

During printout of both Pick List/EDI packaging and EDI invoices, you should enter a zero (0) here instead.

Please note. During printout of both Pick List/EDI packaging and EDI invoices for random customers where you "manually" print pick list and delivery note, you can enter a start number for that delivery note number. This way you will get a separate number series for that delivery note. This option will give EDI invoices an uninterrupted number series, as long as you configure these random or stray customers not to be billed using EDI. EDI invoice is a supplement to MONITOR.

Part Number

If the setting for the system to automatically generate part number has been activated, the start code is loaded from here. The start code is 1 000 000.

Customer Code

Here you enter the start number for customer codes.


Here you enter the start number for quotes. This start number can also have a predetermined prefix, which is configured in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab.

Blanket order - Sales

Here you enter the start number for blanket orders.

Customer Order

Here you enter the start number for customer orders. This start number can also have a predetermined prefix, which is configured in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab. Customer orders can have two different prefixes. One for regular consecutive standard orders, and another for Delivery Schedules that have been imported using the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure.

Order Number Register Invoice (Directly)

This is where you enter a start number for customer orders that are created when you register an invoice directly. This start number can also have a predetermined prefix, which is configured in the Settings procedure under the Sales tab.


Here you enter the start number for invoices. The invoice number series can also be used for credit invoices, if you enter a zero (0) as the start number for that number series.

Please note that the invoice number may be loaded from the user's setting under the Number series button in the Users procedure. Several users can then print and approve invoices at the same time.

Credit Invoice

Here you enter the start number for credit invoices. If you configure the start number for credit invoices to zero (0), the invoice number series will be used when printing credit invoices. If you want to use a separate number series for credit invoices, you must separate the two number series in a definite and clear way, so that it is impossible to set the same invoice number to both a regular and a credit invoice.

Interest Invoice

Here you enter the start number for interest invoices. Please note that the interest invoice number may be loaded from the user's setting under the Number series button in the Users procedure. Several users can then print and approve interest invoices at the same time.

Cash Receipt

Here you enter the start number for cash receipts.

On Account Payment In

Here you enter the start number for on account payments in.

On Account Payment Out

Here you enter the start number for on account payments out.

Pro Forma Invoice

Here you enter the start number for Pro forma invoices.

Packing List

Here you enter the start number for packing lists. The start code is 10000.

Service Order

Here you enter the start number for service orders. If the number is set to zero (0) which is default, the same number series will be used as for customer orders.

We recommend that you use unique prefixes for service orders, for example an "S". Otherwise you can set the service order number series to zero (0). Then the same number series will be used as for customer orders. This way you prevent the number series for customer order and order number series for direct-registered invoices from colliding.

Supplier Code

Here you enter the start number for supplier codes.


Here you enter the start number for inquiry numbers.

Blanket Order - Purchase

Here you enter the start number for blanket order numbers.

Purchase Order

Here you enter the start number for purchase orders. This start number can also have a predetermined prefix, which is configured in the Settings procedure under the Purchase tab.

Delivery Schedule Purchase - Message Number

Here you enter the start code for message numbers for Delivery schedule purchase.

Supplier Invoice EDI

Here you enter start number for the consecutive number series for the supplier invoices that are electronically imported.

Supplier Invoice

Here you enter the start number for supplier invoices. If you enter a zero (0) in this field, you must manually enter the supplier invoice number during invoice registration.

Customer Invoice Ledger

In the Voucher series column, you enter the serial number for that voucher series. In the Start code column you enter the start number for the ledger.

Incoming Payment Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Supplier Invoice Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Outgoing Payment Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Preliminary Coding Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Deleted Supplier Invoices

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Deleted Customer Invoices

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Unplanned Stock Movements

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Deleted Preliminary Coded Supplier Invoices

Please see the customer invoice ledger.

Inventory Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger. This is used if the supplement Management Accounting is installed.

Manufacturing Order Ledger

See Customer Invoice Ledger above. This is used if the supplement Management Accounting is installed.

Calculation Difference Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger. This is used if the supplement Management Accounting is installed.

Price Change Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger. This is used if the supplement Management Accounting is installed.

Invoice Ledger

Please see the customer invoice ledger. This is used if the supplement Management Accounting is installed.

Batch Number Incoming Payments

Here you enter the start number for batch number incoming payments.

Batch Number Outgoing Payments

Here you enter the start number for batch number outgoing payments.

Manufacturing Order

Here you enter the start number for manufacturing orders. This start number can also have a predetermined prefix, which is configured in the Settings procedure under the Manufacturing tab.

Material Report Number

Here you enter the start number for material report numbers. The system will add a control digit. A unique report number will be created during order registering for each material, and the number will be printed on the work cards both in number form and in bar code.

Operation Report Number

Here you enter the start number for operation report numbers. The system will add a control digit. A unique report number will be created during order registering for each operation, and the number will be printed on the work cards both in number form and in bar code.

EDI_Package (Smallbox)

Here you enter the start number for the EDI package type called "Smallbox". EDI packaging is a supplement to MONITOR.

EDI_Package (Pallet)

Here you enter the start number for the EDI package type called "Pallet".

EDI_Package (Others)

Here you enter the start number for the EDI package type called "Others", for example pallet collars and lids.

Nonconformity Number

Here you enter the start number for nonconformity numbers.

Serial Number 1-3 in the Product Register

This is where you enter a start number for the number series for three different product registers. The system allows you to create serial numbers when registering manufacturing orders, based on the part code. The system contains specific settings for registering the part code intervals. Also see the system settings under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. A serial number can have a maximum of 40 characters. Creating serial numbers during manufacturing order registration is a supplement function in MONITOR.

Length Number

This applies to length numbers for cable manufacturers. Length number is part of an adaptation.

Accrual Accounting

Here you enter the start number for the accrual accounting's number series. If you reset the start number to zero, then consecutive numbers must be entered manually.

Fixed Assets

Here you enter the start number for the fixed assets' number series. If you reset the start number to zero, then the numbers must be entered manually for the objects. The "fixed assets" function is a part of the Fixed Asset Register which is a supplement to MONITOR.

Stock Order

Here you enter the start number for stock order numbers. The stock order is a part of the Warehouse Management which is a supplement to MONITOR.

GS1 Number

Here you can enter a 6-digit consecutive number in order to automatically be able to create a GS1 code in any of the procedures where you update part, the Sales tab.

The GS1 code consists of a total of 13 digits. The digits consist of a six-digit company prefix, the six-digit consecutive number and one random control digit. The 6-digit company prefix is entered in the Company Info procedure.

Project Number

Here you enter the start number for the project numbers. If the number series is set to zero (0), then manual numbering of projects will be used.

Directly Registered Cost

Here you enter the start number for the consecutive number used when reporting project activities. When reporting is made in the Register Costs / Activities Directly and Activity Reporting - Project procedures in the Accounting module, the consecutive number will be loaded from here. In the first-mentioned procedure, you can use the consecutive number to load a reporting that you want to adjust.

Transaction List LB, FB, LBI, FBI and SEPA.

Here you enter the start number for each respective transaction list created in the Transaction List procedure for advising of LB, FB, LBI, FBI and SEPA payments.

Agreement Number

Here you enter the start number for the agreement numbers. The series starts with 1. If you leave this field empty, you can enter an optional number in the Register Agreement -Purchase and Register Agreement - Sales procedures. It is not possible to enter duplicates of this series.