You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Block/Notify > Part Block

Part Block

You can block a part for order registration, reporting, material withdrawal and preparation. Blocks are configured under the General tab in the Update Part procedure in the Inventory, Sales or Purchase modules.

A part blocked from registration or reporting is displayed with its part number or operation number respectively in red and bold text in the Update Part procedure in the different modules and in the procedures Preparation, Adding/Replanning, Order Info and Comprehensive Reporting.

In the table below it is described from which actions you can block a part and which procedures a block will effect.



Register Manufacturing Order

Register Manufacturing Order
Manufacturing Order Suggestion

Refill List - Manufacturing

Comprehensive Document (Subcontract)

Register Purchase Order

Register Inquiry
Register Purchase Order

Purchase Order Suggestion

Refill List - Purchase

Register Stock Order

Register Customer Order

Register Quote
Register Customer Order

Import EDI Orders

Import EDI Delivery Schedules

Register Invoices Directly

Register Stock Order

Register Service Order

Manufacturing Order Reporting

Print Manufacturing Order
Material Clearance

Recording Terminal
(start/finish work)
Operation Reporting

Comprehensive Reporting

Quick / Rest Reporting

Comprehensive Document (Subcontract)

Report Subcontract Dispatch
Arrival Reporting - Subcontract

Purchase Order Reporting

Arrival Reporting
Bar Code Arrival Reporting

Receiving Inspection Reporting

Arrival Reporting - Stock Orders

Customer Order Reporting

Delivery Reporting
Delivery List

Pick List

Pick List Delivery Reporting

Delivery Reporting - Stock Orders

Report Arrival - Service Order
Report Service Order

Manufacturing Order Withdrawal

Register Manufacturing Order
Print Manufacturing Order
(material row)
Adding / Replanning
(material row)
Material Clearance
(pick list)
Operation Reporting
(material row)
Material Reporting

Operation Reporting
(material row)
Quick / Rest Reporting
(material row)
Recording Terminal
(start/finish work)


Preparation (material row)

Please Note! Be observant of the block management in combination with structure parts. For example it can be a problem if a manufacturing order is registered for a structure part which has an incorporated part blocked for Reporting manufacturing order. When you then report that order you will not be able to report the incorporated blocked part.